A forum for Guyanese to share their views on the present state of our beloved country.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Yo know yo Guyanese when

This email is floating around the internet. Listed below are some of the know Guyanese sayings. Very funny and true.

1. De back of ya remote got scotch tape.
2. Ya know bout pluggin' out ya TV to turn it off.
3. Ya know bout keepin' rain water fo drink.
4. Shopping bags from de grocery store is also garbage bags.
5. Uncle George and Aunty Pam and half de other people ya call uncle and aunt are not really related to you!
6. Space in de living room is unacceptable and must be occupied by something you don't actually need.
7. You know what a plate clat and floor clat is.
8. You recycle oil.
9. It's cool to have fairy lights all year long.
10. Bun bun is food.
11. A ole bicycle tire is a toy.
12. De dishwasher is also known as ur lil sister or lil brother.
13. Powder milk and sugar is a snack.
14. Your Grandma call a wife beater a singlit.
15. Jumping up and down could give you narra.
16. A mistress is known as a "sweetwoman."
17. A blackout is normal.
18. Bugs are bugs; a ca-ca-roach is something totally different.
19. Ghosts are known as Jumbies and Bacoos.
20. All footwear is known as boots.
21. You get a cold, you drink bush tea.
22. All barrels from farrin includes Cadbury chocolate...with almond.
23. You know bout brushin ya teeth with salt and water.
24. You straighten ya hair, not perm it!
25. A frog is called a Cropo; and throwin' salt pun it back will kill it.
26. Christmas means pepperpot and sorrel, not eggnog!
27. A bottle is called a "bokle" and it's cap is a "cark" and they come in cases, not six packs.
28. Soda, juice and anything other than water is "drink."
29. Dog food is always leftovers.
30. Deodorant is roll-on.!
31. You've used your towel as a shower curtain at least once in your life.
32. Straws, plastic spoons and forks can all be converted into a toothpick.
33. Gossip is ah "seh seh."
34. You call your alcoholic uncle ah "Sa-gi-wang."
35. "Bamba laytee bam bam" means ur in trouble.
36. Your ten year old is a bottle of rum.
37. You go to college, your family feel you know everyting.
38. Crush up news papers was once a substitute for toilet paper.
39. Having a dog or cat on the bed, or anywhere in the house for that matter, is NOT normal to you.
40. You have home clothes, church clothes, sleeping clothes, wuk clothes and "good" clothes.
41. Your childhood games were "Gam," "Hap Scatch," "Dog and de bone" , "One Two Three Red Light", "Bun Down House", "Sal Out", "War Break" and "Catcha!"
42. Ya hood had "Chinee" restaurants.
43. You've heard "Don't tek ya eye and pass me!" at least once in your life.
44. You reply with "Me and you eye neva went fo a race!"
45. Ya know bout throwin' a bucket ah water in de toilet bowl to flush it.
46. You have at least one family member that'll tell you "I know u since ya small suh!"
47. Nicknames are based on physical attributes. eg: Blackie, Tall man, Smiley and fine gurl.
48. Gum is chico.
49. Ya hear de name "Sharma" and you automatically start laughin'.
50. Ya know what it is to collect "Prags."
51. Beginning a question with "When last" is normal to you!
52. New Years Eve is "Old Years Night."
53. Your vocabulary contains words like"Pattacake," "Pokey " and "Banna"! (Shoulda been #1!)
54. You know what "Schupidy" mean!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Migration, New York numbers and the rants of a Guyanese New Yorker.

The migration debate has been going on in Guyana for ages. People left and will continue to leave. The politicians would try to give us some sort of lucklustered explaination, but truth be told, they themselves have made preparation to leave in the event of all hell breaking out in Guyana. Many of the children of these politicain live here in New York. How can they convince the many that are here, living in a self impose exile, to return home when they fail to persuade their own kids. This seems a bit strange to me. For those who are here and would like to go back home, rest asured that better days are ahead. It will certainly not come with our present leaders but know that things are in the making. Keep pluged in for more updates.

The decision to emigrate is hard, people do it for better jobs and security, further study and to join family

Friday, April 29th 2005

I refer to the letter by Adam Lynch captioned "I graduated in 1998, myself and half my batchmates are working in the Caribbean" (27.4.2005). I would like to support Mr. Lynch, someone I had the pleasure of knowing for four years while I myself was a student at the University of Guyana, and to further advance the discussion. This issue is very serious and should be the subject of ongoing discussion and debate. It would be encouraging also to see members of the government join in the discourse so as to give their positions on this matter. Without a doubt, Guyanese who migrate continue to pay close attention to the situation at home and I am of the strongest conviction that we need to continue this conversation.

While the statistics of immigration patterns of Guyanese graduates living abroad may be accurate, it fails to fully address the underlying reasons graduates choose to leave. Mr. Geoff DaSilva in his position as Director of Go-Invest, an agency charged with the responsibility of attracting and fostering development in Guyana, should have exercised more care in his assertion that 'the migration of skilled Guyanese should be no cause of alarm.' Mr. DaSilva, you should know that skilled human resources are a country's best resource and if you don't understand that basic principle, today would be a good time to submit your resignation because you have failed to comprehend the fundamentals of development.

Migration from one's country, community, home, is never an easy or capricious decision. It involves much contemplation and planning. The psychosomatic preparedness it takes to leave your immediate family, loved ones, friends, community members, and a lifestyle you have grown accustomed to, is heart-wrenching and painful. However, this decision becomes easier when the prospect of a more fulfilled life, which may be had through the immigration process, is considered.

Humans were always on the move from the beginning of time. Whether emigrating or migrating, these processes have always been built on push and pull factors. Push factors such as job security and satisfaction, remuneration/salary and living wage incomes, proper housing availability and affordability, and most importantly, the personal security of oneself and family through effective and efficient law enforcement institutions are of paramount importance when considering the process of migration.

Opposite of push factors are the pull factors that attract future migrants to host countries. There it is perceived and most often reinforced by family members, friends or acquaintances, are the opportunities that wait in terms of fulfilling the void created from living in Guyana.

Apart from this fundamental and basic concept of migration, there lie yet other reasons why Guyanese graduates would decide to leave. Upon completion of your first degree from the University of Guyana, sad to say, your only choice, many graduates seek to move on to more advanced degrees and specialisations. This process of fulfilling one's academic desires can only be had by first securing oneself a space at a university abroad. It is at this juncture that for many Guyanese the immigration process begins. After one has immersed oneself into living and studying abroad, most times in societies that are democratic, liberal and cosmopolitan, it becomes hard to return to Guyana where the continuation of this lifestyle will not be sustained.

Family reunification has also played a vital and unquestionable role also in fostering migration patterns of Guyanese graduates. In the United States of America, the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965 have been instrumental in aiding the immigration of Guyanese. The 1965 amendments to the Immigration and Naturalization Act were passed in the shadow of the civil rights movement, when an admission system based on national origins seemed out of step with national values. The 1965 Act took one of the elements of the previous system, the admission of nuclear family members, and made it the centerpiece of a new system whose goal was the reunification of extended family members. Legal Residents and Naturalized Citizens of Guyanese heritage refuse to allow remaining family members to live in Guyana, where the push factors of migration abound, while they have the opportunity to bring them here.

A recent report by the New York City Department of City Planning, The Newest New Yorkers, reports that over 51,439 Guyanese that have been admitted to the United States as a result of the above discussed immigration law within the period of 1990-1999, now reside in the New York metropolitan region. Apart from immigration through family reunification, 12,346 Guyanese have become legal residents of the United Sates and reside in New York as a result of marriage to U.S citizens and there is an estimated 5,000 persons or more who live in the region illegally.

These figures represent a Guyanese population who left Guyana not because of lack of nationalistic values, but who seek a more fulfilling lifestyle that Guyana fails to offer them and their family.

In Canada, an immigration policy that allows professional Guyanese to sponsor themselves and immediate family members without having to have ties in Canada has without a doubt aided in the flight of Guyanese professionals to that country. Canada, a progressively democratic, cosmopolitan society, that provides for its citizens and residents a lifestyle that was rated the best in the world several times by the United Nations, has no problem in attracting professional Guyanese. Again, moving to this society provides for its newcomers the opportunities missed in their "sending" countries. Thus, with such an immigration policy, Canada has no problem attracting Guyanese graduates who otherwise would never be exposed to the sort of living standards Canada offers had they decided to continue living in Guyana.

What I am getting at is the fact that development in its holistic nature has failed to materialize in Guyana; to furnish the securities and opportunities sought by its citizens and most of all, its University trained professionals, who would have been exposed through their various tenures at the University of Guyana to the true meaning of development. Not having the facilities needed to offer this level of comfort, coupled with working in environments where your professionalism and academic attainment are not respected and appreciated only add to the desire to migrate.

Who should we blame? Should we blame graduates for moving because of the numerous push factors in Guyana or should the blame fall on the shoulders of the Guyanese government who refuse to stop being blinded by their own ineptness and shortsightedness? This is a government that fails to responsibly foster development that is prudent and cognizant of the needs of the Guyanese people.

Until such time as the government of Guyana really examines its fiscal and social developmental policies, and protective law enforcement programes and realize that political rhetoric solves no problem, but that practical, sound and determined development strategies that attract and retain their subsidized trained graduates do, the current immigration patterns will not cease.

I would only hope the government of Guyana realizes, and does so urgently, that failure to adopt the countless recommendations offered in this area of development - the retention of Guyana's qualified and skilled human resources - will mean that all of their future prospects for Guyana will never materialize because the labour force that would be needed would have already migrated.

Christopher A Watson

Monday, January 23, 2006

Charity starts at home. Old Rant.

Oh beautiful flooded Guyana.

Guyana is in no position to help Niger

Friday, August 26th 2005

Desmond Persaud in his letter captioned "Did the government give money to Niger?" (13.8.05) aroused my curiosity as to the wealth of Guyana in his question, "will it be possible to discover from the government how much money the relatively wealthy nation of Guyana contributed to the relief effort to the 'Niger situation'?"

I refer to the 'Niger Situation' only because its President, Mamadou Tandja, is yet to admit his country is experiencing a famine despite countless claims from leading relief agencies that are present in the country at this moment. The World Food Program, an agency of the United Nations, has been the leading agency spearheading the relief efforts in Niger, and has disputed President Tandja's claim.

On the topic of rich countries' contributions towards the worldwide relief efforts on their way, Mr. Persaud would be disheartened to know that little has been done by those countries that are in fact relatively wealthy. The United States of America, a country proclaimed as being the richest in the world has contributed pennies in comparison to its potential. Its Global War On Terror or as its new war slogan proclaims its Campaign Against Extreme Islamists, has little room for side diversions like starving children, women and men, and most seldom mentioned, cattle and livestock owned by the starving families.

A nation such as Guyana, however wealthy one might perceive it to be, is in no position to help other nations in their times of need. This statement may sound crude and unsupported, but allow me to explain.

While Guyana's richness lies in our country's natural resources potential, our leaders are yet to emerge from their cocoons and demonstrate strong leadership in harvesting the bounties to be had by sustainably exploiting these natural resources, either through local investment or attracting benevolent (if there are any left) foreign developers. Companies such as Barama and Omai can be used as examples of natural resource development. Whether sustainable I am not convinced, however the Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for making this charge. Unless we encourage more natural resources development in Guyana, with its revenues being used to expand the country's frontiers in terms of infrastructural development, providing the much needed employment our country so desperately needs, we are in no position to believe we are a "wealthy" nation - relative or not.

Moreover, we are still recovering from our own natural disaster. The recent floods devastated the country, and would certainly be repeated unless preventative measures are put in place now. The many lives lost, the farms destroyed, livestock damaged, and the infrastructural damage that may not be evident at the moment but which would be apparent soon enough, are present perils we are overcoming as a nation. Even with the outside donations we may have received to help us in our recovery effort, Guyanese tax payers are still left with a hefty bill to pay in these recovery efforts if we are to return to pre-flood conditions.

More recently, and I am surprised that there were not more discussions and revelation of a strong plan of action by the Guyanese government to supplement this imminent loss in revenue for the nation, the European Union has announced its withdrawal of subsidy support for Guyana's Sugar. Sugar has represented over our country's history, one of our most significant sources of foreign export and revenue earners. Apart from the much needed revenue derived from the export of sugar, many Guyanese livelihoods depend on this industry. I myself grew up in two sugar dependent villages on the West Bank Demerara region of Guyana, my father was employed by the industry before his migration to the United States. Thousands of Guyanese could be out of work and a Social Benefits Programme is non-existent to help them.

If I am to discuss an even more prevalent debacle - the unstoppable migration of trained, qualified, talented and young Guyanese to other countries that aren't as welcoming as they may have at first seemed to be - , I am afraid Mr. Persaud would be even more disheartened.

Clearly, with the abundance of problems that abound in Guyana and the lack of urgency in dealing with these problems, our country is in no position to donate money to other countries' relief efforts while we are in a desperate position of our own. If I am to find out that our country was generous in its donations to Niger, as sorry as I am about this tragedy, I will be disappointed, only because I am convinced that a nation should first take care of its own citizenry before being generous to others. After all, charity begins at home, and we are a country that is in need of charity ourselves.

Christopher A. Watson

Once more for the record. I believe in giving but when we are advocating to give to other countries and we are not helping our own, we have a problem. Today's Stabroek News is reporting Guyanaese checking themselves into shelters as a result of the floods they are experiencing. I wonder if the person asking for us to help other countries is advocating for his fellow Guyanese to be help by their leaders. Maybe it's time for him to write another letter.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Friends and me on graduation day. Posted by Picasa

The great ranter. Posted by Picasa

Visions of a leader blinded

Recently our beloved former first son, Joey Jagan, made some observations while traveling through Guyana. While his observations are enlightening, they are late. Sorry Joey, these things were with us a long time ago.

The problem of lack of development has been with us for some time

Monday, May 9th 2005

I write this letter in support of the observations of our former first son, Cheddi (Joey) Jagan Jr. in his letter captioned "People throughout the country are fed up with the lack of development" (3.3.05). However, his observations are a bit late since these problems were inherent in Guyana not after President Jagdeo took over but even in the days of his father and mother, former celebrated leaders of our country. Although I agree with him fully, it puzzles me as to why he would choose this moment to voice his positions if not for his own political leverage.

Developing countries like Guyana are in unique positions. We are able to tailor our development projects by looking at the lessons learnt by those countries that are light years ahead of us. History offers us the opportunity to adopt practices that worked and abandon those that didn't. Using Latin America as a close example, we observe the destruction privatization has bestowed on those countries. While we need more efficient industries our country must not be sold out for little.

Taking an example from the United States, where after World War II then President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his capacity as leader and commander-in-chief, decided to put Americans back to work. It was June 29, 1956, when President Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid Highway Act, and interstate highways began to meet the challenge of the growing number of automobiles on the nation's highways and provided for the millions of men and women out of work the vital employment that they needed. Coupled with this, the government embarked on building massive civil projects which acted as the catalyst for America's development.

Guyana is in a position today where thousands of trained Guyanese are out of work, the economy is in dire need of stimulation, we are highly indebted and the recent floods were just a reminder of the nature of the catastrophe to come unless we move out of the 'Low Coastal Plain.'
Using mass construction as an example for fostering development will provide not only jobs for the many unemployed Guyanese but also would stimulate the economy. The collection of taxes, which is the government's most significant income source to provide the social services they need for citizens, is of utmost importance. With more people working you are in a better position to collect taxes not only from employed individuals but also from those companies that would be their employers.

We need to stop our political rhetoric, pool our intellectual resources study past practices from the developed world and formulate a plan that best suits the Guyanese context and put that plan into practice. Sergio Varas-Olea, Representative of the IDB in Guyana pointed out that we need more growth in the economy. This growth cannot occur by us talking about it, we need concerted efforts, strategic plans and action.

It is often easier for someone from the outside looking in to offer suggestions on how we can move forward, more often than not those persons are far divorced from the political, social and most importantly, the cultural aspects of the country. We as Guyanese know ourselves; we are a hard-working people like all other people of this world that want only the best for ourselves and family. We know our problems, we know there are solutions, what we need is the will of the government to initiate the development the country needs to get out of its stagnated development phase. It is easy to say that Guyanese are wanted around the world but I am sure if the opportunities encountered upon moving to those countries were to be available at home the discussion of skilled migration and the current brain-drain occurring in Guyana need not be.
Please let's stop talking development and start witnessing development. The government could encourage it by first making the environment safe to accommodate development and Guyana would be a better place for those living there and for those of us that are eager to move back.

Christopher Watson

Friday, January 20, 2006

Old rant, same problem

Months ago I wrote a short article to the Guyana Stabroek News about the flood situation in Guyana. At the end of my article I offer a simple advice for them to clean the drains. I went on to predict this situation reoccurring if my advice isn't heeded. Today, thousands of Guyanese are under water. What is positive about all this is the fact that people are taking to the streets. That’s a good sign. Unfortunately, it seems as though only black people care. Its only them I see in the photos.

This struggle continues for us as a people. Protest movements over the years has sparked change. I encourage my fellow Guyanese to continue in this effort. Protest until the cows come home. Our leaders are so blinded as to the real issues, its time we change this. If the protest movement is going to be our vice, then let it be.

Guyana rated 8th in environmental study
Thursday, January 27th 2005

Dear Editor,

It's an irony that Guyana was recently named one of the countries that best protects its environment, whilst the US came in 45th. This was the finding of a recent study completed only days ago by researchers from Yale and Columbia University with endorsements from the United Nations and its organisations. Is it not strange to be within the top ten countries in the world, 8th to be exact, to carry such a torch and yet the government does nothing to safeguard these resources? Although this study was based on the natural environment and some other human index indicators, the people of Guyana are the custodians of these resources and if we fail to protect them and their livelihoods then we have failed wholistically.

After this devastating event, it was only natural for me to reflect on a paper I had written five years ago while I was an undergraduate in the Environmental Studies Unit of the University of Guyana: "Floods, Floods, and more Floods if we Decide not to Clean our Drains." My case then, and now, is that this will continue and actually get worse, (with worldwide indicators that the ozone layer is quickly degrading resulting in the melting of ice caps, hence a predicted rise in ocean levels. Not to mention Guyana being under sea level) if we fail to maintain the excellent drainage system built by the Dutch. We can no longer think that this infrastructure maintains itself.

However, what was most paradoxical to me is that only a few weeks ago while we all watched the chaos of the Tsunami in Asia, our government did not only pledge a donation like the rest of the world, but we actually donated millions of dollars (Guyanese tax paying dollars) that could have helped in the restoration of our city's protective system - the urban waterways. I understand the shock and grief behind this donation, however the wise thing to have done was to reflect on what, if this is to happen to us, are we going to do or is there any way we can prevent something like this from happening to us. Well we didn't, and even if we did time would not have permitted us to prepare.

What I would admonish is that we use this as our first learning lesson, if only because of its widespread devastation this time, although this was happening on a smaller scale for some time. It's time for the government to stop procrastinating about our drainage problem and stop pinning the blame on the previous administration, because we are only judged based on the timing of these events. Clean the drains and repair the kokers! It's vital in averting such a problem in the future.

To my fellow Guyanese, I can only imagine your pain and discomfort and my empathies are with you. As an electorate, you need to pressure your government; you elected them, force them to do what you elected them to do - protect you not only from economic disasters, but environmental ones also.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Watson

My Great Grand Mother, Still Kicking.

I come form a long generation of people. We all hope we can life this long but some of us have bad minds. Long live mother.

Mother Watson welcomes Christmas 102
By Nills Campbell
Thursday, December 25th 2003

Mother Watson (sitting) and her daughter

Great Grandmother Winifred Albertha Watson welcomes her 102nd Christmas at her Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara home, readily recalling the Christmases that have passed.

Quick-witted though frail, Mother Watson as she is familiarly called is one of those realistic persons who has no fear of what lies beyond her sojourn on earth. "I must tell you," she said, all the sweetness and grace, "that the time is not too far away when life here may end."

Mother Watson's firm Christian background causes her to put the emphasis on the spiritual aspect of Christmas, rather than on the commercial niceties that dominate its modern day celebration.

Evidence of her sharp memory surfaced when she responded to the first question. "I moved to Stanleytown... on the 14th September, 1921," she said, smilingly adding that she was a mere 20 years when she married and moved into the agricultural community.

She was born in Plaisance, East Coast Demerara on August 14, 1901. A kind uncle supported her and her siblings in their early schooling and her aunt-in-law recognised talent in the young lady and sought to persuade her mother to entrust her to their care. Her mother thought otherwise, but ongoing appeals by a determined but loving aunt and the sudden death of her uncle resulted in her joining her aunt in the city.

She recalled her days in school, her love for schoolwork, and the satisfaction she gained in achieving good results. Her attendance at Queenstown Moravian School had its own excitement. "In those days, you only got a job by recommendation. No matter what exams you have passed, a good recommendation counted."

It was such a recommendation that saw her moving from Demerara to Berbice where she was appointed governess to the daughter of sugar estate engineer, Mr Ramsay.

That job meant that her several skills she obtained at Moravian were passed on to her English charge, Elaine Ramsay. Her appointment to what was in those days, a prestigious position in the then British Guiana, brought its protests from some quarters, where it was felt she was not good enough for such an appointment. Mr Ramsay disagreed.

"She speaks the King's English better than me," he argued. Mother Watson explained, "In those days we did not read a book, or any serious literature without the help of a dictionary." In addition to her good command of English, a quality that is evident among her descendants in the Stanleytown community, her needlework, knitting and other skills in the area of domestic science proved to be handy. Her charge, little Miss Elaine, learnt speedily, and cherished the company of Winifred, whose maiden name was Bourne.

Even at the tender age of 17, she had vowed that should she get married, and, if blessed with a daughter, she would name her Elaine. Her prayers were answered and her marriage to Watson saw the union being blessed with a daughter, Elaine, who was followed by 12 other siblings to provide a baker's dozen in the Watson family.

Her second appointment was that of a junior teacher at the Ogle Canadian Mission School. It was during this assignment that Mr Watson saw Winifred Alberta Bourne and love was almost instantaneous. Their marriage and her removal to the West Bank exposed her to many experiences, some pleasant, some not so entertaining. She has only to click onto sections of her ever-ready brain to bring to the fore of her memory box the several incidents that highlighted her life.

Christmas time certainly has its share of memories.

This Christmas marks the 50th one since she lost her beloved husband who died of a heart attack he suffered while he was milking one of their cows. But Mother Watson is thankful for the Christmas baby who matured to be the Saviour of the world and through whom she was provided with strength and courage to take on the challenging tasks of father and mother. "I took over the responsibility with support from the bigger children; I milked the cow and provided the grass for them."

This was something she was accustomed to in some degree, since she had worked alongside her husband.

"I handled a shovel pretty well," she recalled, and smilingly told of the drains she dug, the land she tilled and the crops she cultivated. Of course she hastened to add that for farmers those were rewarding days when at times persons had to tell her that on this plot or that plot her plantains had begun to ripen. She expressed regret that today's level of dishonesty would not even allow farmers' plantains and other produce to mature enough before others sought to reap them.

Once Mother Watson started recalling life at Stanleytown, her memories flowed with a type of precision that far younger minds would find difficult to emulate. Stories of the 13 children she mothered came flooding back to her. Again, the story of her dream daughter Elaine surfaced.

At school, she said, when other children tried to encourage Elaine to engage in play she used to respond that her attendance at school was to learn and not to play. One day she compromised her convictions and joined her schoolmates in a game that proved too rough.

The weight of others on her in the rough schoolyard fun exposed the fact that she had a strained heart. Through a strange twist, internal complications saw little Elaine pass away at a tender age. Mother's Watson Christmas this year does not only bring back the fact that her beloved husband had passed away suddenly 50 years ago, but also the fact that five of the 13 children she was blessed with have passed away.

However, she, always positive, readily points to her many grandchildren as well as those children who are still alive as the many blessings she has yet to count. And that her lone surviving sister, Dr London, still resides in the United States.

She quipped, "I cannot dance," as she recalled her years of religious commitment. Christmas time of yesteryear however, provided lots of frolic and fun for her as a little girl. She recalled the old time masquerade band, the 'Mother Sally' and the 'Mad Cow', things that initially terrified little children. With time though, she recognised the cultural values involved and felt entertained whenever the masquerade band with the swinging, bouncing 'Mother Sally' passed her way.

She also still remembers that in October, her uncle would bring in a large ham, well in advance of Christmas.

For her however, Christmas and other occasions provided her with the wonderful opportunity to visit the old and the shut-ins, and to bring cheer to them. The spirit of Christmas that dominated the atmosphere in those days among family and friends is a memory that Mother Watson is not prepared to part with.

Since by her own feelings the churchyard is just one step away, it should not be difficult for readers to appreciate the eagerness with which she looked forward to Christmas 102. After today? Mother Watson might still have other milestones she would dare to achieve; after all, one of her grandfathers lived to age 105. Happy holidays, Mother Watson.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Love of my life, not the baby but she is cute. Posted by Picasa

Wal-Mart and Me

Last night I shopped at Wal-Mart for the second time this week. I was first beckoned to the store because my car battery died in New England this weekend. Wal-Mart was the closest and frankly the only store available in the community I was visiting to purchase my replacement battery. Once inside the store, I was amazed by the variety of products they offered and there unbelievable prices. Amiss I am, I bought more than the battery I enter to purchase.

Globally there is a growing debate about Wal-Mart, their low prices, low wages paid to their workers, their competition with small businesses and most importantly, the oversees sweatshop labor it takes to manufacture some of their products.

It's important to understand the dynamics of Wal-Mart or 'Wally World' as my wife refers to the store as. In order to compete with other large box stores, Target, K-Mart, etc., for customers, customers who are guilty with reason for wanting lower prices, Wally World was successful in creating a management and business portfolio that eliminates the middle man, force manufactures to cut cost-that is certainly past down to the customer- and create a store that supplies customers with the widest variety of products at the lowest possible prices.

At the end of the day, the customers are happy after they say good night to the checkout clerk and realize they just saved themselves over 30% on their purchases, had it been done at a competing store. What's not realized by us customers are the backroom abuses precipitated by the workers at Wally World, the sweatshop workers in China that worked for twelve hours stitching that $7 sweater you just both and only make the same per day, the single parent mother who works at the Wally World warehouse that isn't provided with health insurance and can't take her children to the doctor, the local mom and pop stores we enjoyed visiting that are not longer there because Wally World's low prices out competed them and drove them out of business.

It's also important to know the people that are sounding the cries of 'no to Wal-Mart.' They are International and Local Trade Unions, Social Justice and Workers Justice organizations, Liberal Communities who understands the repercussions of Wally World, and individuals who are conscious of the devious effects of having these stores in our communities.

Now we ask ourselves the questions. Why are Wally Worlds encouraged in our communities? Why are they still in existence? What are our governments doing to stop their expansion? If we examine the answers out there we would realize they all have an inherent flaw. I shopped at Wally World because of their low prices-promised to me by their welcome slogan, "We sell for less"-and so do the millions that shop their. With prevailing low wages being offered to the American worker, the constant concessions we are force to take regarding our benefits at work and our growing families we are left with no other choice. Unions cry fowl at Wally World, yet they have not be successful in garnishing the livable wages from employers for the members that they represent. Social Justice Organizations protest Wal-Mart's injustice toward their workers and the producers of their products and rightfully so, without fully understanding the dynamics of raw economics of many a Wal-Mart shoppers, needing to provide for our families on small budgets. Liberal individuals are guilty of the same myopic view of Wal-Mart, only seeing the bad side of the company without ever understanding to void they fill, and the millions of customers who depend on Wally World.

Can we assign blame in this situation? A resounding no. There are a few parallels that need to be understood and practice in our judgments. One, Wal-Mart is a store that offer lower prices. Yes there are serious ramifications involve in this process but customers are satisfied. Second, most of Wal-Marts customers are the millions of people who live on the fringes or close to the fringes and Wal-Mart fills the void in their budgets. Anti Wal-Mart-'er' rally around the negative effects of Wal-Mart without advocating for the customers of Wal-Mart to be equipped with higher wages that would allow them to shop at other stores for their products. In instances where this advocacy is strong, employers are often reluctant to provide higher wages, leaving us in the position we are in now. When an employee is remunerated with low wages, he/she finds avenues to save and make your family budget work. It’s impossible for us as customers not to shop at Wal-Mart when our employers refuse to pay the livable wages needed to effectively discourage this shopping practice. When faced with raw economic situations, customers are forced to make real economic choices. Wal-Mart is one such real economic choice.

In the end, we need to tailor the conversation in two directions. One towards Wal-Mart, lobbying their managers to employed more satisfactory employment practices, practices that elevate their workers, while profits are had. Rally with trade unions as they battle with employers to secure higher wages for employees. Riding our society of Wal-Mart would prove impossible if the latter is not achieved. We should not ask customers not to shop at Wal-Mart when we pay them salaries that equals to Wal-Mart prices. Customers are often in positions where Wal-Mart is their only hope for living from this pay check to the next. Until that is changed, like myself, many other people will continue to enjoy shopping at Wally World, where they “sell for less.”

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Me and two cousins having a drink, actually, me having a drink. Posted by Picasa

Stray animals continue to kill Guyanese

Letter to the Editor
Stabroek News
Published, January 17, 2006.

Dear Editor,

Mr. Wayne Gray’s life was a senseless loss of one of Guyana’s sons. Like many others, he had the misfortune of colliding with one of the many stray animals that inhabit the roads of Guyana. When are we going to realize the need to curb this fatal problem? How many more lives will it take for the authorities to intercede and get serious with solving this problem?

Farming forms the backbone of Guyana’s economy and lifestyle, this we know. Allowing farmers and home owners, who often rare animals to sustain their incomes, to have these animals graze unsupervised on our streets, causing traffic fatalities without any repercussions, is inexcusable. I firmly belief the time is long overdue for this problem to be curbed. It kills Guyanese and encourages visitors to Guyana not to rent cars and drive on our roads.

A system of checks and balances needs to be enforced in Guyana. The police department should look into having special units that detain stray animals and impose heavy fines on their owners as a means of deterring this problem. A human life should not be allowed to be lost because of the negligence of animal owners. Stray animals on Guyana’s streets are driving hazards and should be treated as such.

I would hope the relevant authorities treat this matter with the urgency it deserves and act in prudence at resolving it. Solving simple problems like this sends a positive message to the Guyanese population at home and the wider Guyanese population abroad. It shows that our leaders recognize the problems and are fixing them one at a time. It’s the constant news of senseless deaths like that of Mr. Gray that annoys a population who are already peeved with Guyana’s other problems.

Enough already, its time to stop bombarding the Guyanese people with political rhetoric of brighter days ahead and stronger economic prosperity and development for our country, when the little nuances of citizen protection are not realized. Guyana needs its people. We have lost too many talented people already to migration. We cannot afford to lose more to stray animals. Guyanese living abroad often equate these incidents with the push factors of their migration. The President and his administration are frequent visitors to New York, Toronto and other major cities inhabited with migrant Guyanese, emphasizing and encouraging the need for expatriates to return home. How do they expect for Guyanese living abroad to leave their relevant comforts and safeties in these cities to a country where its leaders haven’t demonstrated they can solve a stray animal problem thus far? As simple as it may seem, this problem speaks volumes of the ineptness and total disregard for human life by our leaders.

Please, I urge for this problem to be taken more seriously. As I write this letter, many of my fellow Guyanese are in danger of losing their lives to the many stray animals on our streets. A life lost is a significant blow to Guyana, especially when that life could have been saved if measures were in place to deter its adversaries.

I genuinely mourn with Mr. Gray’s family and the many other families that were wearers of their shoes. It’s my hope that your pain be felt by those who can make a difference in preventing yet another Guyanese family from going through this heart wrenching tragedy. The remedying of this problem is long overdue. Stray animals need not be the reasons for motorist death, especially not as frequently as it is statistically in Guyana.


Christopher A. Watson.