Rumors of a fundraiser

How about a fundraiser for the 600 residents of Berbice that are living in shelters, a situation none of them may have imagine to happen to them. How about the farmer in number 2 canal that has lost his crops this season as a result of the floods, forcing him to take his kids out of school. The Koker in Bellevue that needs repairing. Have we gone mad? I remeber once when I was just a little boy, the bus shed in my village, Stanleytown, needed repair. The entire community came out and repaired that shed, self help. Now our community needs help and we see it fit to help people thousand of mile away.
Helping is always good. Help your own first and then they will be able to help others better. Come on leaders, this is an election year, prove yourself. Sorry, I forgot you have notthing to prove, the winners of this election have already been chosen.
you would also be happy to learn that we are also supporting the US economy, no not only through our thousands of visa application fees but through the churches.
See below as posted on the Living Guyana blog.
Did you realize that in this desperately poor country there are thousands of Christians who 'partner' with international evangelic organizations? Unanswered questions of transparency and accountability has been asked of many of these organizations.
Yes folks, in this deh bad country there are thousands of Christians who are mailing money out to mainly American church groupings run by people such as Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley and John Hagee.
We wonder if these folks realize that more of their pittons is being used to fund cushier seats and bigger screens in the churches rather than going to poor people in Africa and elsewhere that these churches love to tell us they are feeding.
Of course these people tell us that only people who are 'in the Kingdom' can understand. Well we here have a difficulty understanding why we can't take the money we work so hard for and help our own countrymen and women rather than shipping it off to some church in the USA for them to buy luxuries for their castles churches.
What a beautiful country with lovely people we live in!
Sunday, February 5, 2006 at 11:33:00 AM PST
That's really sad, but yet sort of admirable.
Although Guyana is in the slums of nowhere, they still acknowledge that there are less fortunate people out there in the world.
I would hope that the Guyanese oversees can actually come together and do fundraising events for the country.
Monday, March 27, 2006 at 10:39:00 AM PST
Excellent, love it!
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